A second pulled black chawan.... that was 'rescued'......
....by re-glazing with hank's Shino and re-fired in James' gas kiln.
....by re-glazing with hank's Shino and re-fired in James' gas kiln.
.... and re-fired in james' gas kiln to Cone 10.
....very heavy ashfall, the right side stoke was directly over
Jennifer's laid down bottle...........
..... amidst much anticipation.
....the five sidestokes were used for fuel; the other three were used
for pulling chawan and guinomi.
....them on. We were 94 hours firing, with 70 hours above C10!
and fired again. The unmelted(even @ C13!) crawly-black Andesite
glaze shows through the shino in nice ways. Good for Tea!
..... coming out unmelted and crawly...... no good for Tea!