Clay Craft

Monday, February 28, 2005

Shino pot I saw at the National Muesum at Ueno Park last week.
copyright 2005 Lee Love

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Candice Black In Japanese Materials

Candice Black In Japanese MaterialsCandice Black In Japanese MaterialsCandice Black In Japanese Materials

Test of Candice Black from John Britt's book.

TM Top Middle Hot Reduction / MM Middled Center Medium Reduc.

BM Bottom coolest oxidation

As you can see, the oxidation tile looks the best. I didn't have cobalt carbonate, so I substituted gosu (impure cobalt.)

Neyph Sye 40
Silica 33
Fukushima Felds 11
Dolomite 5
Whiting 6
Kaolin 4
Gariome B.C. 4
BoneAsh .03
Rutile .02
R.I.Ox 8
Gosu 5

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Goda wood fired Earthenware.
copyright 2005 Lee Love

Photo of Goda Yoshimichi (person in the middle between Leach and Hamada.)
copyright 2005 Lee Love

Saturday, February 19, 2005

The ash glaze I am working on is wood stove ash, gariome ball clay and amakusa stone (what they use to make porcelain in Arita.) It is my teacher's main glaze.
copyright 2005 Lee Love

I put slip Gahon on bisque inside, for a test. In this case, it made the interior "dryer" and have more texture. I want to try this with single fired ash glaze.
copyright 2005 Lee Love

My stamp inside the footring: "Li", the character for plum tree.
copyright 2005 Lee Love

The old workshop at Shimaoka's pottery. I never worked at it. It was torn down and the new workshop was finished a month or two before I arrived.
copyright 2005 Lee Love

Friday, February 11, 2005

I went to a Yanagi and the Mingeikan show in Kasama. The first items in the show were works by William Blake and Walt Whitman and also work by Rodin. The Mingei movement began as an international movement.
Copyright Lee Love 2005

William Blake and Walt Whitman had an important influence upon the Mingei movement.
Copyright Lee Love 2005

William Blake owned by Yanagi
Copyright Lee Love 2005

Sculptures sent to the Shirakaba group by Rodin, after Yanagi sent him some Japanese woodblock prints.
Copyright Lee Love 2005

Buncheong Ware 2nd half of the 16th Century.

The Museum of Oriental ceramics, Osaka

I first saw this pot at a show of Korean ceramics in Chicago, at the Art Insititute. I later visited it again in Osaka.

Copyright Lee Love 2005

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Edouard Bastarache's Lepidolite Glaze Tests

Edouard's Lepidolite test 1051

(French is Edouard's native language, so we will post French first. See below for English)
The recipies are posted at ClayCraft email list.

Introduction Française aux Glaçures Cendrées a la Lépidolite :

Ayant hérité de 10 livres de Lépidolite d'un ami-potier qui fermait son atelier, j'ai décidé d'expérimenter avec ce matériau contenant du lithium qui n'est plus disponible sur le marché.
J'ai déjà discuté des substitutions de ce matériau dans mon livre "Substitutions de Matériaux Céramiques Complexes".
De manière à éviter la production de cloques, j'ai utilisé des quantités médianes de Lépidolite, J'ai aussi utilisé de la Cendre de Bois Dur (Lavée 5 fois et tamisée à 60 mailles) et une fritte de boron pour obtenir une texture de surface que j'appelle "Scintillant".


English Introduction to Lepidolite Ash Glazes :

Having inherited a 10 pound sample of Lepidolite from a potter friend closing down

his shop, I decided to experiment with this lithium material unavailable anymore on

the market.

I have discussed the substitutions of this material in my book :

"Substitutions for Raw Ceramic Materials

In order to avoid blisters I used a medium amount of Lepidolite. I used Hardwood Ash

(Washed 5 times and 60-mesh sieved) and a boron frit to obtain a surface texture that

I call "Scintillating"

From Glenn C. Nelson’s Ceramics, a potter’s handbook, page 322 of the fifth edition, I have obtained the following chemical analysis of Lepidolite :

SIO2 = 55.00 %

AL2O3 = 25.00 %

FE2O3 = 00.08 %

K2O = 09.00 %

NA2O = 01.00 %

LI2O = 04.00 %

Ignition loss = 0.92 % + 5 % fluorine.

Fluorine is volatile and may cause blisters at high temperatures (Robin Hopper in The Ceramic Spectrum,1984, page 52).

Using the method described in Daniel Rhodes, revised edition of Clay and glazes for the potter at chapter 13 “Glaze calculation using materials containing more than one oxide” under the heading “Feldspar formula” I have defined the following formula for Lepidolite since it is a feldspathoid considered here in its fired or calcined state =

K2O .392 AL2O3 1.0 SIO2 3.743

NA2O .065

LI2O .543 Molecular weight = 384"

Copyright Edouard Bastarache 2005 (all the photos are copyrighted by Edouard. The Blogger setup automaticlly puts my copyright on them, sorry!

"Ils sont fous ces quebecois"
"They are insane these quebekers"
"Están locos estos quebequeses"
Edouard Bastarache
Irreductible Quebecois
Indomitable Quebeker

Edouard's Lepidolite test 1050
Copyright Lee Love 2005

Edouard's Lepidolite test 1013
Copyright Lee Love 2005

Edouard's Lepidolite test 1012
Copyright Lee Love 2005

Edouard's Lepidolite test 952
Copyright Lee Love 2005

Edouard's Lepidolite test 928
Copyright Lee Love 2005

Edouard's Lepidolite test 910
Copyright Lee Love 2005

Edouard's Lepidolite test 960
Copyright Lee Love 2005

Edouard's Lepidolite test 961
Copyright Lee Love 2005

Edouard's Lepidolite test 977
Copyright Lee Love 2005

Edouard's Lepidolite test 978
Copyright Lee Love 2005

Edouard's Lepidolite test 989
Copyright Lee Love 2005

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Later period Jomon cooking pot.
Copyright Lee Love 2005

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Footwarmer as vase.
Copyright Lee Love 2005

As you can see, this model is a later one, and sports and opening for a screw on lid. No doubt the old farmers still use their's and that is why the ones at the flea markets and junk shops are the ones without their lids.
Copyright Lee Love 2005

It was fired on end.
Copyright Lee Love 2005

This is glazed with Mashiko Kaki. Mashiko Kaki is the Japanese "Albany Slip."
Copyright Lee Love 2005

These are inspired by Korean Sue and Japanese Yayoi ware. The middle pot (a vase) is inspired by a Yayoi vase my teacher has. The two covered bowls on the right are offering bowls for the Buddhist altar, the ones that I have seen are usually made of lacquer. I've been told that Samurai used to use tea bowls on pedestal something like these.
Copyright Lee Love 2005