Clay Craft

Sunday, June 12, 2005

C/4Seger High Fire Glaze#1

C/4Seger High Fire Glaze#1
Originally uploaded by claycraft.

Using the Seger analysis of Orton C/4 we have designed the following

C/9 glaze base :

KNaO .3 Al2O3 .5 SiO2 4.0

CaO .7

Custer spar 45

Whiting 17

EPK 14

Silica 24

Total 100

Then it was colored using increasing amounts of a local industrial waste material,

QIT Red Dust, mainly made up of Ferric Oxide (Fe2O3)

#1 = +2% QIT Red Dust

QIT stands for Quebec Iron and Titanium. QIT owns an ilmenite mine in northeastern Quebec.

The ore is shipped to Tracy where it is processed to titanium dioxide slag, iron pigs, steel billets

and steel autoparts. This dust comes from the dust collecting system of the steelmelting department

and has the following general formula:

FE2O3 85%

SIO2 5.0%

CAO 5.0%

MGO 1.0%

ZNO 2.0%


TOTAL 100%

It was 170 mesh sieved.

A theoritical substitution is as follows for each 1% of the stuff :

Red Iron Oxide 0.820

Silica 0.050

Whiting 0.060

Dolomite 0.050

Zinc oxide 0.020

Total 1.000

"Ils sont fous ces quebecois"

"They are insane these quebekers"

"Est�n locos estos quebequeses"

Edouard Bastarache

Irreductible Quebecois

Indomitable Quebeker

