Clay Craft

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

8" bowl

8" bowl

Barium/Boron Glaze
Fired to cone 9 reduction
+ Cynthia Bringle Engobe
"house-painting brush for hakeme effect"
also: local dark slip clay introduced as slop/engobe

Cynthia Bringle White Engobe c9/10 from KU
Kaolin 20
Ball Clay 20
Neph Sy 25
Flint 30
Borax 5
Bentonite 5
Zircopax 10
500 base plus:
200 rutile = yellow
200 iron = brown
20 chrome + 20 cobalt = lime green
75 superpax = white

Barium/Boron Glaze cone 2-9 ox or red.
Custer 35
gerstley 17
barium carb 12
zinc ox 5
epk 2
flint 29
black copper +1
I used a pencil to formulate this one from unity; and a calculator.
